🎁 Free Shipping for all Mainland UK orders of 3kg and above.

The 20th of December is our last shipping date this year. We can take orders however nothing will be shipped till the new year. Merry Christmas and a big Thank you to all our customers.




Dear Friends, it can't have escaped anyone on this planet that there is a hugely infectious pandemic around and that much of the advice is of course public health advice with regard to minimizing exposure to yourself and to others potentially more vulnerable. The other and equally important dimension to...

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March 2020 Update

Dear Folks, we are still delivering orders and will continue to do so as long as the logistics and circumstances permit, Raw honey has always been a time honoured way of boosting your immunity and general health so it might not be a bad idea to stock up while things...

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Autumn 2019 Update

It has been a while since I ventured back on to this blog, yes, my aversion to all things digital has been a driver (or lack of it) but it's been a crazy year, moving home, changing our entire production setup, emptying the warehouse, just to name a few of...

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Local Honey ?

  One of the things I often encounter when talking to shop owners or retailers is "we only do local honey.....and Manuka" When I ask about why this is, I mostly get told that they want to support local beekeepers, local honey is good for hay fever and that everyone wants Manuka honey because...

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Honey as a Hay-fever remedy

As a long time chronic Hay-fever sufferer, I am well acquainted with utterly disabling and misery inducing symptoms. I have tried homeopathic remedies, with varying degrees of success, dietary cures, nasal washes, barrier sprays and often resort to powerful antihistamines just to get by when i need to function, but in truth antihistamines are...

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Spring Wildflowers Portugal

Some of the lovely wildlfowers which our beautiful complex raw wildflower honey comes from......enjoy Here is a link to a wonderful site showing the wildflowers of Portugal, http://www.pbase.com/valterj/wild_flowers_ii&page=all thanks... Wildflowers Wildflowers Everywhere Spot the bee Lupins on the terraces Rosmaninho or Wild Lavender in the Cork forest.

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