🎁 Free Shipping for all Mainland UK orders of 3kg and above.

The 20th of December is our last shipping date this year. We can take orders however nothing will be shipped till the new year. Merry Christmas and a big Thank you to all our customers.



Wild about Honey - Back to the Future

Something about the quality of existence these last few years has resulted in life being unpredictable to the extent that it has been chaotic and unplannable. If ever there was a time to quote Burns, it would be now....to put it simply life has been rough. We seem to perpetually find...

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2023 Honey Update - Great Taste, Bad Weather and Much else

                    As you may have noticed in January of this year we ( after a few hurdles) launched a range of Premium Raw Greek honeys curated from around Greece. We entered all 6 in the Great Taste Awards. (We did not...

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2022 - Into the Cloud Forest with a Silver Lining

I know that we are we are merely simple honey sellers but after the collective psychotic episode, utterly disastrous, public health car-crash, technocratic fronted, billionaire coup, of the last two years which has caused so much suffering to so many,  it's hard to find anything particularly cheery to write about or...

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Raw Honey Cured ( Nitrate Free) Bacon and Pancetta - a recipe

Well honestly, who doesn't like Bacon ? even if you are a vegetarian, cooking bacon releases some of those aromatic chemical compounds that we are hard wired to respond to and get your mouth watering. So here we go lets make Bacon ! and Pancetta while we are at it. Seeing...

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