Our complete Great Taste Award Winning range of outstanding premium, Raw unfiltered, artisan made, pure honeys from the pristine ecology of Portugal. Guaranteed free from GMO's, antibiotics, and contaminants. Personally sourced and ethically traded. A true distillation of the flowers of Portugal brought to you by master artisan beekeepers and natures greatest alchemist; the humble honeybee.
This 2 Star Great taste award winning honey is from a beekeeper in the Ribatejo, producing spectacular honeys. this is a 89% Eucalyptus, very pure ( very unusual) .The Ribatejo just outside Lisboa is famous for its wonderful honey.
It is quite sweet, starts of rich dark amber and crystallizes to a thick buttery texture.It has the truly distinct mellow sweetness of Eucalyptus honey and is extremely more-ish if you have a sweet tooth.It has been variously described as rich, resinous and with strong butterscotch notes. It is a damn near perfect example of a Raw Eucalyptus honey.
Like all Eucalyptus honey it has renowned antibacterial qualities and is also perfect for your winter medicine cabinet.
Honey and Crystallization. Crystallization is a completely natural process and occurs with all raw honey. The speed and size of the crystallization depends on variations in the balance of sugars, ambient temperature and to some extent water content If your honey is set hard, you can loosen it up by placing it in a pan of hand hot water, (and repeat as necessary) using a spoon placed in hot water first and of course storing it in a sunny/warm place in the house.
please call or email us if you require any help making a bulk purchase. Thanks
Wild about Honey
Raw Portuguese Arbutus "Bitter" Honey from the Serra da Monchique by Wild about Honey
Arbutus honey contains Homogentisic acid, a powerful phenolic acid.The antioxidant and antibacterial qualities of this honey are truly exceptional and it is one of the most antioxidant as well as antibacterial honeys in the world. Studies we have seen suggest that this is possibly the most antioxidant rich honey available much more so than Buckwheat or Chestnut honey.
Anecdotal evidence we have heard also suggests this honey does not cause blood sugar to spike and is often used locally by diabetics.(This is not a medical claim- please consult your doctor if you are diabetic). It is also known to be beneficial for lung health.
Arbutus honey is extremely rare and made in limited quantities and not necessarily every year, we source our Arbutus honey from 3 different sources each of which are quite distinct in character. This year Fernando one of very best beekeepers produced all our Arbutus honey.and it is superb. Not too bitter, Very palatable.
The Arbutus honey you buy can vary in flavour and texture over time depending on which source it came from. Some are very bitter and some are sweeter with a small percentage of Portuguese heather or Eucalyptus. They are all wonderful and beneficial. Arbutus honey is typically very expensive, but we try to bring it to you at a reasonable price so it remains accessible and not exclusive or prohibitive like active Manuka honey.
The bees forage on the Arbutus Bush, an evergreen that has many medicinal properties and flowers in winter.
Our current batch of Arbutus is the creamy pure Arbutus from Monchique and the vicinity.
This is pure highly active honey with astonishing antibacterial properties. Like an highly active Manuka without the price tag.
This is quite simply the best tasting and purest Arbutus honey available.
Honey and Crystallization. Crystallization is a completely natural process and occurs with all raw honey. The speed and size of the crystallization depends on variations in the balance of sugars, ambient temperature and to some extent water content If your honey is set hard, you can loosen it up by placing it in a pan of hand hot water, (and repeat as necessary) using a spoon placed in hot water first and of course storing it in a sunny/warm place in the house.
please call or email us if you require any help making a bulk purchase. Thanks