Our complete Great Taste Award Winning range of outstanding premium, Raw unfiltered, artisan made, pure honeys from the pristine ecology of Portugal. Guaranteed free from GMO's, antibiotics, and contaminants. Personally sourced and ethically traded. A true distillation of the flowers of Portugal brought to you by master artisan beekeepers and natures greatest alchemist; the humble honeybee.
Raw Sunflower honey locally known as "Girassol" is a lovely pollen rich, taste of pure summer sunshine. Sunflower honey crystallizes very quickly and can only be bottled in the first weeks after harvesting. It sets to a rich creamy, nutty taste and texture, and has a bright tangy finish. It is like candy in a jar. If you want a naturally set, medium sweet, relatively neutral honey which is perfect to use in hot drinks and teas, then this is the one.. It comes in early September and is quite limited in quantity.
Sunflower honey is naturally, extremely pure because the long coarse sunflower stem acts like a filter to soil contaminants.
It is known to have many beneficial properties as well as having a reputation in certain parts of the world as being particularly helpful with digestive and heart/lung health and also as a general "tonic" ( in addition to all the other usual antibacterial properties of honey)
This Sunflower honey also comes from the Alentejo region, which is hot dry and arid in the summer months and the least populated part of Europe.
Our lovely Raw Sunflower honey comes from two master beekeepers, Sr Fernando and Pedro, a young, highly gifted, multi generational beekeeper who has also learned the craft from his uncle.
This years sunflower is the best we have seen yet, Typically intermittent rains will allow other wildlfower nectars to find their way into sunflower honey, Owing to the southern European drought the Sunflower honey this year is nearly a 100% pure as few other flowers grew during this unusually dry season.
Honey and Crystallization. Crystallization is a completely natural process and occurs with all raw honey. The speed and size of the crystallization depends on variations in the balance of sugars, ambient temperature and to some extent water content If your honey is set hard, you can loosen it up by placing it in a pan of hand hot water, (and repeat as necessary) using a spoon placed in hot water first and of course storing it in a sunny/warm place in the house.
This product is already heavily discounted so no bulk discounts will be applicable
You may find cheaper raw honey than ours, but you wont find better...