🎁 Free Shipping for all Mainland UK orders of 3kg and above.

The 20th of December is our last shipping date this year. We can take orders however nothing will be shipped till the new year. Merry Christmas and a big Thank you to all our customers.



  • New Prices

New Prices

Dear Customers

firstly thanks for visiting this site and  continuing to buy some of the best honey available anywhere. As we wrote earlier in the year, post the referendum, the predicted calamitous drop in the value of the pound would force us to raise prices.

A very bad year ( weather wise ) for producers has also pushed up costs further.

So unfortunately that day has now come and we have had to raise our prices. We have applied the least possible increase we can given the current situation. We hope you understand. We will of course keep doing the best we possibly can to bring you the very best raw heritage honey that Portugal has to offer.

Warm wishes


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