🎁 Free Shipping for all Mainland UK orders of 3kg and above.

The 20th of December is our last shipping date this year. We can take orders however nothing will be shipped till the new year. Merry Christmas and a big Thank you to all our customers.



Raw Orange and Wildflower Honey - NEW Honey on SALE for 2024 -REDUCED



Raw Orange and Wildflower Honey - NEW Honey on SALE for 2024 -REDUCED


We are aware that times are getting a little harder for most and have managed to source this pleasing Orange and Wildflower honey from one of our Algarvian beekeepers. It is a little cheaper than most of our honeys because the percentage of Orange blossom nectar is not enough for it to be considered a monofloral honey. 

This Algarvian honey comes from the area around Silves and is darker than a conventional Orange blossom honey owing to the presence of Wildflowers. It is a pleasing honey perfect for everyday use brought to you at a modest price with no compromise on quality.